npm: npm-check-updatesをinstallして、packageを最新にする

(1) 前回の結果
・npm outdated では、全てLatestのpackageにはならない
・Wanted のversion までupdate

(2) 今回の結果
・npm-check-updatesの実行で、全てLatest のversionまでupdate


# npm outdated
Package        Current  Wanted  Latest  Location                    Depended by
axios           0.26.1  0.26.1  0.27.2  node_modules/axios          327s 
connect-redis    4.0.4   4.0.4   6.1.3  node_modules/connect-redis  327s
currency.js      1.2.2   1.2.2   2.0.4  node_modules/currency.js    327s
redis            3.1.2   3.1.2   4.1.0  node_modules/redis          327s
sqlite3          4.2.0   4.2.0   5.0.8  node_modules/sqlite3        327s
uuid             7.0.3   7.0.3   8.3.2  node_modules/uuid           327s


# npm i -g npm-upgrade
npm WARN deprecated har-validator@5.1.5: this library is no longer supported
npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade  to version 7 or higher.  Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic.  See for details.
npm WARN deprecated request@2.88.2: request has been deprecated, see
npm WARN deprecated libnpmconfig@1.2.1: This module is not used anymore. npm config is parsed by npm itself and by @npmcli/config

added 375 packages, and audited 376 packages in 59s

45 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities

・すべて y

# npm-upgrade
Checking for outdated production, optional, development, peer and bundled dependencies for "/opt/PrivateInvoice/327s/package.json"...
[====================] 29/29 100%

New versions of active modules available:

  axios                ^0.26.1   →   ^0.27.2
  body-parser          ^1.19.0   →   ^1.20.0
  connect-redis         ^4.0.4   →    ^6.1.3
  currency.js           ^1.2.2   →    ^2.0.4
  dotenv               ^16.0.0   →   ^16.0.1
  express              ^4.17.1   →   ^4.18.1
  express-session      ^1.17.0   →   ^1.17.3
  finalhandler          ^1.1.2   →    ^1.2.0
  moment               ^2.24.0   →   ^2.29.3
  redis                 ^3.0.2   →    ^4.1.0
  serve-static         ^1.14.1   →   ^1.15.0
  session-file-store    ^1.4.0   →    ^1.5.0
  sqlite3               ^4.1.1   →    ^5.0.8
  tslib                 ^2.0.3   →    ^2.4.0
  uniqid                ^5.2.0   →    ^5.4.0
  uuid                  ^7.0.2   →    ^8.3.2

? Update "axios" in package.json from ^0.26.1 to ^0.27.2? Yes
? Update "body-parser" in package.json from ^1.19.0 to ^1.20.0? Yes
? Update "connect-redis" in package.json from ^4.0.4 to ^6.1.3? Yes
? Update "currency.js" in package.json from ^1.2.2 to ^2.0.4? Yes
? Update "dotenv" in package.json from ^16.0.0 to ^16.0.1? Yes
? Update "express" in package.json from ^4.17.1 to ^4.18.1? Yes
? Update "express-session" in package.json from ^1.17.0 to ^1.17.3? Yes
? Update "finalhandler" in package.json from ^1.1.2 to ^1.2.0? Yes
? Update "moment" in package.json from ^2.24.0 to ^2.29.3? Yes
? Update "redis" in package.json from ^3.0.2 to ^4.1.0? Yes
? Update "serve-static" in package.json from ^1.14.1 to ^1.15.0? Yes
? Update "session-file-store" in package.json from ^1.4.0 to ^1.5.0? Yes
? Update "sqlite3" in package.json from ^4.1.1 to ^5.0.8? Yes
? Update "tslib" in package.json from ^2.0.3 to ^2.4.0? Yes
? Update "uniqid" in package.json from ^5.2.0 to ^5.4.0? Yes
? Update "uuid" in package.json from ^7.0.2 to ^8.3.2? Yes

These packages will be updated:

  axios                ^0.26.1   →   ^0.27.2
  body-parser          ^1.19.0   →   ^1.20.0
  connect-redis         ^4.0.4   →    ^6.1.3
  currency.js           ^1.2.2   →    ^2.0.4
  dotenv               ^16.0.0   →   ^16.0.1
  express              ^4.17.1   →   ^4.18.1
  express-session      ^1.17.0   →   ^1.17.3
  finalhandler          ^1.1.2   →    ^1.2.0
  moment               ^2.24.0   →   ^2.29.3
  redis                 ^3.0.2   →    ^4.1.0
  serve-static         ^1.14.1   →   ^1.15.0
  session-file-store    ^1.4.0   →    ^1.5.0
  sqlite3               ^4.1.1   →    ^5.0.8
  tslib                 ^2.0.3   →    ^2.4.0
  uniqid                ^5.2.0   →    ^5.4.0
  uuid                  ^7.0.2   →    ^8.3.2

? Update package.json? Yes


# npm outdated
Package        Current  Wanted  Latest  Location                    Depended by
axios           0.26.1  0.27.2  0.27.2  node_modules/axios          327s
connect-redis    4.0.4   6.1.3   6.1.3  node_modules/connect-redis  327s
currency.js      1.2.2   2.0.4   2.0.4  node_modules/currency.js    327s
redis            3.1.2   4.1.0   4.1.0  node_modules/redis          327s
sqlite3          4.2.0   5.0.8   5.0.8  node_modules/sqlite3        327s
uuid             7.0.3   8.3.2   8.3.2  node_modules/uuid           327s


# npm upgrade

added 54 packages, removed 46 packages, changed 9 packages, and audited 747 packages in 1m

91 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities


# npm outdated


# npm ls
privateinvoice@0.0.1 /opt/PrivateInvoice/327s
tqq @ethereumjs/common@2.6.4
tqq axios@0.27.2
tqq bcrypt@5.0.1
tqq binary-uuid@2.0.3
tqq bip39@3.0.4
tqq body-parser@1.20.0
tqq connect-redis@6.1.3
tqq currency.js@2.0.4
tqq dotenv-cli@5.1.0
tqq dotenv@16.0.1
tqq eslint-plugin-react@7.29.4
tqq eslint@8.15.0
tqq ethereumjs-tx@2.1.2
tqq express-session@1.17.3
tqq express@4.18.1
tqq finalhandler@1.2.0
tqq ganache@7.1.0
tqq got@12.0.4
tqq ipfs-http-client@56.0.3
tqq moment@2.29.3
tqq mysql@2.18.1
tqq redis@4.1.0
tqq serve-static@1.15.0
tqq session-file-store@1.5.0
tqq sqlite3@5.0.8
tqq tslib@2.4.0
tqq uniqid@5.4.0
tqq uuid@8.3.2
mqq web3@1.7.3